Please note that meals ordered after the 18th of December can’t be guaranteed. Do continue to order meals and we will be in contact if there are any issues.

Food Order 2023
If you are not a current partner or an established organisation – we may need more information from you (not a lot!) before your meal order is confirmed for collection on Christmas day. Continue to complete this form and we will contact you if we need further information.
We use your data to process your Christmas Day Dinner meal orders for collection from the RDS on Christmas day. Data collated from the Meal Order form on this website is used to inform you of the arrangements for the Christmas Day Dinner event each year. Your data WILL NOT be shared with any third party. *
I understand and accept how my data will be processed.
I understand and accept how my data will be processed.
I consent for my data to be used as explained and to process my request for meals on Christmas day.
I consent for my data to be used as explained and to process my request for meals on Christmas day.
I understand that I may withdraw my consent for my data to be used at any time inline with privacy statement.
I understand that I may withdraw my consent for my data to be used at any time inline with privacy statement.